Thursday, January 22, 2009

So proud to be an American SLUG

Who knew? Who knew the SLUG Queen would fall head over tail for one with so little time for slime...and yet Marie Slugtoinette must tell you, dear public, that she has been enchanted by the entire first family and the charm that they OOOOOZE! How excited will we be when their trail next winds it's way by our snug green valley? My slimy guts quiver at the thought! Until then we still each have the power to make a change. We finally each have a voice in our nation and our home community. To stay tuned to the national discussion and lend your voice check out the new website with it's cool yet classic graphics and daily blog entries and updates. You can get stuff off your chest and feel it's actually being heard. Weird.
But if it's an impact you want to make right here in Eugene you can start here by adding your voice to this blog. Have questions? Want answers? Have answers? Let the SLUG Queens help you out. Dear SLUG Queen...
I'll be so happy to hear from you.

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